How To Add a Youtube Video To a WordPress Blog Post or Page


Are you wanting to add a YouTube video to a WordPress blog post or page? Today I’m going to explain (and show you), step-by-step, EXACTLY how to add a YouTube video to your blog post and/or page… in 7 easy steps!

7 Easy Steps To Add A YouTube Video To A WordPress Blog Post or Page

  1. Find the Youtube video that you want to embed into your post or page
  2. Click the Share link – located under the video
  3. Under ‘Share’, copy the video url address to your clipboard
  4. Log into your WordPress dashboard
  5. Edit the post or page on your site that you want to add your video to
  6. Paste the YouTube video url (you copied from #3 step above) inside your post or page
  7. Click the Save Draft, Publish or Update button for the post or page.

Here’s what the YouTube video looks like when I ‘preview’ it:


Now – if you’re a Type A personality like me, haha, you might want to have your YouTube videos fill your entire content page width. This is a little more advanced, but still easily doable. Here’s how you can add a YouTube Video to fit a specific page width:

How To Add A YouTube Video To A WordPress Blog Post or Page – That Fits A Specific Size

  1. Find the Youtube video that you want to embed into your post or page
  2. Click the Share link – located under the video
  3. Under ‘Embed’, you can change the width (and height, if you’d like) of the video iframe, once you change the width/height of the iframe code, copy it to your clipboard. Note: I changed the width from 560 to 820, to match my theme’s content width size.
  4. Log into your WordPress dashboard
  5. Edit the post or page on your site that you want to add your video to
  6. Paste the YouTube video iframe code (you copied from #3 step above) inside your post or page within the ‘text’ tab
  7. Click the Save Draft, Publish or Update button for the post or page.

Here’s what the YouTube video looks like when I ‘preview’ it. See how the video fills my entire content blog post space?

As you can see, adding a YouTube video to a WordPress blog post or page isn’t hard, once you know all of the steps.

Keep in mind: readers love a good video in blog posts! So don’t be afraid to add one of your own YouTube videos or a YouTube video from someone that inspires you… like Gary Vaynerchuck does for me!

Bonus… Here’s a great Gary Vaynerchuck video for people 30+ that are thinking about starting a business (or blog business). He’s letting you know that building and growing businesses today is NOT just a young person’s game!  Enjoy.


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