Step 7: Start Blogging (plus a few lessons on how to become a successful blogger)

Start Blogging - step 7 of How To Start A BlogYAY! You’re ready to start the really FUN stuff… You’re ready to start blogging!

Before you dive in head first, I thought I’d share a few lessons on how to become a successful blogger.

Lesson #1: Consistency is key!

Be consistent with your posting schedule. If you post once a week, post once a week, but have it be the same day once a week.  Readers come to expect when you will have something new for them and race to your site to read it! For example; I post once a week, on Tuesdays at 6:00am MST.

Be consistent with your content too! I’m talking about the style and voice you write in. Give your readers something to expect, and a style that feels like ‘home’ to them.  For example; I always lead in with a photo and then generally lead in with a question like “Did you know…?”, “Do people keep telling you…?” or a statement. Either way, my readers are used to my ‘voice’ and the flow of my site.

Lesson #2 & #3: Know your audience – so you can create amazing content for them!

The heart and soul of a successful blog is amazing content. If no one reads what you’re writing, then your blog won’t be very successful.

This is why it’s important to always create your content for your readers. Know your target audience, understand who they are, what interest them and what they value getting from you.

One of the best ways to understand your audience is to add Google Analytics to your site. Google Analytics is a great, free online tool that tracks the effectiveness of your website and blog content!

I use Google Analytics because it tells me where my traffic is coming from, how much traffic, when it comes, which posts generate the most traffic (aka what content my readers love the most so I can keep writing more of it)…in a nutshell, Google Analytics helps me to know my audience better!

Want to learn more about Google Analytics? Read my post Top 7 Reasons To Use Google Analytics on Your Website.

Lesson #4: Engage with your audience.

It’s always good to ask your audience what they want, how they want it and when they want it. Go out of your way to talk to and get to know your audience on a friend to friend basis.

Case in point: I receive A LOT of emails and comments from readers. They reach out to me and I get to engage back with them. And guess what? My audience provides most of my blog content! I receive a number of repeat questions, so I write blog posts answering them! This provides me with a consistent flow of content and traffic. A win/win for both.

Want to learn how to connect with your readers (and/or customers)? Read my post 5 Ways To Authentically Connect With Your Customers.

Lesson #5: Easy Navigation is a must.

Your readers want to get to what they want – quick and easily! Your website and blog posts should become an endless resource of greatness that they can easily navigate to. If you do this, your readers will stay on your site much longer… and keep coming back!

We talk about easy navigation plus a whole lot more in our post Blogging Trends. This is one post you probably don’t want to miss!

Now you’re prepared to dive in head first and start blogging!

The NO-FAIL method on How To Start A Blog

If you want to make starting your blog a simple and easy process – cutting through all the confusing, overwhelming nonsense out there do these three things:

  1. Follow the step-by-step tutorials and guides on this site.

I walk you through the 7 basic steps of how to start a blog; from what to blog about, to picking the perfect domain name, to start blogging.  Start with Step 1 NOW!

  1. Get my e-book “How To Start A Blog: Everything You Need To Know To Create And Start A Blog”

My book goes into a lot more detail, gives numerous real life examples to follow, and provides the tools necessary to start a successful blog. If you need your hand held, from beginning to end… this ebook is for you! Learn more here or click the BUY NOW button below.

  1. Contact me if you have any issues at all.

The step-by-step on this site should give you everything that you need and the book will even more, but if you run into any issues or need some extra advice, please feel free to contact me… I will personally respond to your email.

Happy blogging!  xo from Tana – Your Marketing BFF

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