DIY Custom Business Tape

Custom Tape

I love seeing all the colored and graphic printed tapes everywhere…which is why I wanted to create some custom paper tapes that matched MY personal brand identity.

Custom paper tape is a great way to showcase and advertise your logo, branding color or pattern.  I’m envisioning product packaging, sales tags, envelopes, product displays, clothing, the ideas are endless!

Here’s what I did…

-I ordered a 3M Positionable Mounting Adhesive roll from This is the perfect stuff for creating a large quantity of your own tape. (There are other double-sided adhesive options that cost less, but the large roll allows longer sections of tape.  I purchased the 11 inch wide x 50 feet length for less than $42).

And because the adhesive will stick to everything, you can make your custom tape from just about anything; paper, fabric, movie tickets, candy wrappers…

-I printed my logo design as a repeat graphic pattern to thin white paper. (I purchased a white paper roll at IKEA for $5, and cut this paper to the 8.5” x 11” page size of my pattern prior to printing. Also, to ease this thinner paper into my printer, I stuck a standard sheet of paper to one end as a feeder sheet to be removed after printing).

-Once the printed pattern was laid out on the adhesive roll and rubbed flat, I used an Xacto knife and straight-edge on a cutting board to create horizontal strips of my logo.  Super easy!

Special thanks to Cathe of Just Something I made who used gift wrap paper to make a variety of handmade paper tapes and was the tutorial that I followed to make mine.  You can see Cathe’s tutorial here.

Plus, a few pictures for inspiration…including this first one of my personal friend Cole, who made his prom tux out of duct tape.  Enjoy

duct tape clothing Cole Sudduth

shoe display out of duct tape  vase display out of duct tape


Photo Credits: Duct Tape Tux, Shoe Display, Vase Display

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