{Marketing under $50} DIY Colorful Donut Favors and Gifts


DIY ombre and color block donuts

Are you looking for an inexpensive, memorable idea to give clients or hand out at your next event or trade show?

Favors and gifts don’t have to be big and expensive. In fact, they shouldn’t be.

The secret to memorable favors that don’t break the bank? Beautiful creativity!

Here’s a great idea and diy by Brittni Mehlhoff of Paper & Stitch that you could easily do…

DIY Ombre + Color Block Donuts

You can purchase store bought donuts, or make them yourself. I like to save time and buy, but there are a ton of great recipes online.

-Powdered Sugar Donuts
-Color Mist Edible Spray in Various Colors (available at Amazon and JoAnn’s)
-3×5 inch sheet of paper (to block the edible color spray in certain areas)

DIY ombre and color block donuts 2
How to:

Color Blocked Donuts: Place a powdered donut on a plate to protect other surfaces from the edible spray. Then cover over part of the donut with a piece of paper. Lightly spray the uncovered area. Wait until dry. Then cover the sprayed area and spray additional colors in the same way, for a color blocked look. Once dry, place the donuts in a small bakery box, add a thank you label (don’t forget the ‘Eat By’ date), and you’re done.

Ombre Donuts: You can create ombre donuts super easily by building up color at the bottom and then very lightly spraying upward from there.

Voila! A colorful, memorable and inexpensive favor/gift that can market your business for under $50!

Thanks Brittni for this great diy + photography!

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