Trade show Inspiration: Think Outside The Box

Lemonade Stand Display Idea

Welcome to Trade Show Inspiration, where you can share in my love for marketing, design + trade show spaces.  I hope you become inspired to take your booth space up a notch!

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This week’s inspiration is all about creating displays that ‘think outside of the box’ and draw extra attention.

Soap Display

The Shabby Villa. Using sinks in a non-traditional way to promote and display their soap

Lemonade Stand

Crave Photography. How cute would this be at a show – you’d have to stop!

Vintage Tart Molds

Paisley Wallpaper using Vintage Tart Molds to display product.

What sort of display(s) have you done that were ‘outside of the box’? Feel free to comment/share.  Happy Thursday!


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