Blogging Alliance Tips

Henry Ford Quote

Even though I’ve been in marketing for almost 20 years, I’m relatively new to the blogging world.

Before I jumped into this marketing arena, I did some behind-the-scenes research and studied two successful bloggers in particular: Laurie Turk of The Tip Junkie and Kim Stoegbauer of The TomKat Studio. I literally stalked them. I know, sounds creepy, right?  One of the things I noticed was that both ladies had created blogging alliances early on.

And so did I.

A blogging alliance is where you create genuine relationships with other’s that appeal to the same audience as you.  I chose (and continue to choose) like-minded people who love what I love and are in different social circles…a foodie, a photographer, a crafter, a go-getter blogger…

It’s best to become friends first, and do favors later! Favor’s like:

-Participate in each other’s communities.
-Comment on each other’s posts.
-Collaborate on a big project together.
-Barter with each other.  It’s great to trade advertising space or products with each other.
-Feature your referrers.  This is a really effective strategy because once you publicly thank people, others will also want to be thanked and help you out as well.

I recently hooked up with Tiffany and Carole in San Diego – members of my ‘blog tribe’:

Blog Tribe

I met Carole of TootSweet4Two this past October (and later met Tiffany).  Their blog is a labor of love chronicling the chaotic life of these two gals (an aunt and niece) from different generations.

I’m so honored to have them in my tribe…I love their drive, I love their passion, I love that they are learning how to make money with their blog AND are sharing this information with their readers every month here.

How do you join a tribe or create your own tribe?

1.  Make a list of bloggers you respect, enjoy and admire the most.

2.  Contact them. If you read their blog, leave a comment or email. If you found them on Facebook, message them.

3.   Establish a relationship and genuinely ask their advice.  It’s amazing how much information some bloggers will share with you!

4.    Ask. I’m a straight shooter so I come right out and boldly ask, “Can I join your tribe?” or “Do you want to join mine?”  If this is not you, start a conversation asking their advice on blogging alliances and how they joined their tribes…you just might end up with an invitation.

Key things to remember: You’re not alone, everyone had a beginning, it’s so much more fun to share this journey with some incredible people, and your business growth will be quicker.

Do you have alliance partners? If not, go out and find three today.

So there you have it!

P.S. You’re going to want to add  to ‘your list of blogs to follow’…especially if you want to learn how to make money with your blog and watch a small blog grow!


  1. Hi, Tana! Excellent article! You are so awesome! Thanks for asking us to join your alliance and thanks for everything you and your team have done for us to further our growing success! Thanks, too, for including a link to our site. Hope to see you again in the near future!

  2. I love Tiffany and Carole…that’s a phenomenal tribe you’ve got going! I found you through their site after bonding with them initially at Mom 2.0 and learning that they were fellow San Diegans as well. Small world, huh?

    1. Hi Chelsea. So glad you found my site! I so appreciate the comment, compliment and shared love for Carole/Tiffany. Looks like there’s a lot of fun, creative, go-getter type people in the San Diego area. I should plan another trip there soon!

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