Set Up & Support

  • Install Elementor Page Builder Plugin
  • Downloading Your Elementor Templates
  • Importing Your New Elementor Template(s)
  • Troubleshoot: 500 Internal Server Error
  • Creating A New Page Using Your New Elementor Template
  • Wanting more help with Elementor

Install Elementor Page Builder Plugin

All of our WordPress templates require the free version of Elementor in order to work. If you choose to purchase the paid version of the Elementor plugin, you can, but it’s not necessary.


  1. Navigate to PLUGINS
  2. Click the ADD NEW button at the top
  3. Type Elementor into the search bar
  4. Once you find the Elementor Page Builder plugin, click the INSTALL NOW button
  5. Once installed, click the ACTIVATE button to activate the plugin.

Downloading Your Elementor Templates

When you purchased your Ali + Brigitte Sales Page Kit Bundle, you should have received an email with a link to access your template files.

To download your template files, simply click on the link in the email you received and go to the “Ali + Brigitte Sales Page Kit Bundle” product. From the product page, you’ll click on the “Sales Page Kit” to save/download this zip file to your computer. Note: Inside this zip file contains your individual .json files; one for the Ali Sales Page Template and one for the Brigitte Sales Page Template.

Locate where your template files downloaded because you’ll need them for the next step.

Importing Your New Elementor Template(s)

There are 2 options for importing your templates:

  1. Install each template individually (using the .json files) or
  2. Install all templates at once by uploading the .zip file.

Written instructions:

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard AFTER you’ve already installed the Elementor Page Builder plugin.
  2. In the left sidebar, navigate to TEMPLATES
  3. Click the IMPORT TEMPLATES button
  4. Click the BROWSE button to locate, select and open one of your Elementor template .json files OR the .zip file, BUT please don’t upload both the .json files AND the .zip file or you will have duplicated templates. Then click on IMPORT NOW button back in your dashboard.
  5. Your template will now be displayed in your Templates list. If your template fails to upload and gives you a 500 Internal Server Error, please read Troubleshoot: 500 Internal Server Error section below.

Troubleshoot: 500 Internal Server Error

Depending on your website host, you may receive a 500 Internal Server Error when you try importing an Elementor Template into your WordPress website.

This is a typical issue with your website host not allowing you to import larger sized files.

How to fix this? You’ll need to contact your hosting customer support and ask them to increase your website’s memory limit to 256MB.

Once that is done, try to upload the template again.

Creating A New Page Using Your New Elementor Template

Written instructions:

  1. In the left sidebar, navigate to PAGES
  2. Click the ADD NEW button
  3. Add a page title, then hit PUBLISH.
  4. Click on the Edit with Elementor button
  5. To add the template to the page, click on the ‘folder’ icon
  6. Click on My Templates and find the template you just uploaded into your template library. Click on INSERT. Click on NO if it asks you to import document settings.
  7. In the bottom left corner, click on the ‘gear icon’ that represents settings. Then on  left sidebar, go to “Page Layout” and click on the upside down triangle so you can select “Elementor Canvas”. (This removes the header and footer from your page. And makes everything full width so that it spans the entire page}.
  8. Then click UPDATE and you’re ready to go.

Wanting more help with Elementor?

If you’re looking for additional help with Elementor, please refer to their Help Center here: