The Only Constant In Life is Change – Are YOU ready?
To paraphrase an old saying: The only constant in life is change. But I want you to know that sometimes the things we can’t change, end up changing us instead.
We all face changes every day, but how you manage change is the key to your blog and business success.
The other day I overheard my husband talking on the phone and I could tell that he was getting high-strung and upset over a business deal that was not going well.
I knew I had to get him to calm down (and laugh instead) so I simply said, “Don’t go getting your panties in a wad!”
He was frustrated, feeling a bit overwhelmed, and quite frankly all the chatter wasn’t going to change the situation.
I get it.
Lot’s of things are happening out there.
– Changes in politics.
– Changes in Instagram’s algorithm.
– Changes in technology and SEO (search engine optimization).
– Changes in client spending.
– Changes in cash flow.
And all this change is getting your panties (or briefs) in a wad and you’re feeling uncomfortable and flustered aren’t you?
Hate to break it to you my friend but CHANGE IS CONSTANT!
And whether you realize it or not, managing change is the key to your success.
You’re Flustered and It’s Hurting Your Sales.
Here’s some Marketing BFF advice.
Calm down. Get a Grip. Use your Brain.
Which means what?
– Finally deciding which ideal client you serve best.
– Investing in some “help” so you DON’T have to do everything yourself.
– Putting a marketing plan in place that will run on auto-pilot.
– Create a strategic alliance plan for bringing in new followers and/or clientele at zero cost to you.
– Improving your offerings (services, products), customer service and engagement.
– Stop the complaining – it’s not helping your sales and gets on everyone’s nerves!
You need to manage the change. You need to make some choices. You need to get out of the…
“I’m frustrated, overwhelmed, busy, I don’t have any money, I don’t have any time, all the good clients are already with my competitors, nobody is spending, blah, blah, blah.”
Change is constant. How we embrace change… that’s up to us!
Stop talking about it and start taking some action.
Trust me – your sales (and mood) will improve!