Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

It’s been an incredible year full of blessings; amazing projects, loyal readers and great new friendships.

Thank you for reading, commenting and working with me – Your Marketing BFF. You make all that we do here possible and I am eternally grateful.

May 2017 bring you growth and happiness! xo

Tana – Your Marketing BFF

P.S. I am officially on vacation until January 2nd!  Currently in Cancun with the hubs (yes, just the two of us) and then Christmas break with the kiddos. As I enjoy this ‘blog break’ and gear up for a high speed 2017, I hope you’re enjoying this time with friends and family as well.







  1. Tana!! You have such a beautiful family and I have so enjoyed getting to know you this year! You have been such a blessing to me and my blog…couldn’t have done it without you:)). Enjoy your time away and have a very Merrry Christmas sweet friend!! Love you?

    1. Thanks so much Bree! What a lovely, sweet note and I feel the same way. Hope you’re having an amazing Christmas. Many xo’s friend.

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