Important Announcement From Your Marketing BFF
Over the past few months, I have done some serious thinking, wondering and contemplating about the future direction of Your Marketing BFF.
Maybe because I’m a creative and get bored with the same ole, same ole. Maybe because I’m in my 40’s (47 by the end of the year, yowza!) and have a lot more freedoms – the kids are pretty much grown. Or maybe it’s simply because change is good.
I’m a believer that in business you need to continually evolve in order to stay ahead of the game. And I’m really, really ready for a new chapter!
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs
My love for pretty + design is far more reaching than marketing, branding, graphic and website design.
Did you know that I’ve designed some of my own furniture? That I’ve sewn some of my own clothes? That I love interior design, baking and photography? My life encompasses more than what I’ve been sharing and I think it’s high time that I share the other LOVES in my life HERE, on this blog.
So what can you expect?
I’m going to continue sharing marketing advice, how-to’s and tutorials on starting and growing your blog + business. You may not know this, but we built a new house a year ago, and are working on “projects” like the backyard, the laundry/mudroom, etc. So you can expect to see some home decorating, and more content from my everyday life – like recipes, since I love the decorating + the photographing part of the process, haha.
In other news…
We’ve added to our team in order to serve our design client’s needs better (and faster)… I’m sorry that people have had to wait 4 months or better in order to work with us.
I’ve also been working on ebook #2 – a sequel to How To Start A Blog – this will be the next phase of the blogging journey, learning How To GROW A Blog! You can expect this to roll out by the end of this year!
Whew. We’ve got a lot going on, but I’m super excited to show you other parts of my life, and I hope you will continue to join me on this journey.
Wonderful news! Congrats on taking your blog to another level!
Thanks Laura!!! Eeek, I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. haha
Wonderful to follow your own heart! Looking forward to seeing the new direction. Enjoy!
Hello Lovely Anna! Thank you for your kind words… I’m following it and am excited to see what flows. xo
You will do GREAT THINGS, Tana! Your eye for style is just lovely! Best wishes and congratulations on your new adventure!
Thx Tiffany! I’m so excited to share the other facets of my life. Cheers to new adventures friend! xo
Tana, This is awesome! So excited to hear this and I can’t wait to see here on the blog what all you are up to!!! You’ve been a busy girl!! xoxo
I’m so excited to FINALLY pull the trigger on this Bree. Thanks for continuing on with me. xoxo
Love what you’re doing and sharing your life with us!
Yay! I’m excited to share it… long time coming. xo
Tana that’s wonderful!! I can’t wait to follow your journey and see what you share! You are so so gifted! 🙂
Thank you Andrea! I’m excited too… thanks for continuing on this journey with me. xo
Excited about this Tana! Can’t wait to see all you are up to! ????xo
Chaos Erin, pure utter chaos! And I wouldn’t have it any other way, haha. Thx luv xo
I bet you know what I’m going to say but… Hooray! It’s about time! Loooove you! So exciting!!!????????????
Haha, it’s about time I stopped thinking/talking about it and started doing. Thanks for always being my cheerleader! Love you tons. xo
Much love, Tana! Can’t wait to see what other creative genius you’ve been holding inside! No doubts, its as amazing as everything else you do!
I have been holding back, especially when I love the creative process through so many facets of life. Let the flood gates open, haha!
I look forward to seeing your creative endeavors.
Yay! So glad you’ll stay on this journey with me. xo
I can’t wait to have a bigger peek into your world, Tana! You have so much to offer; I can’t wait to see what unfolds!!!!
Thank you Jamie! I’m glad people do want to see more of my world… I definitely had a fear that people might not want me to. Thankfully, I can put that to rest. xo
So excited for you Tana! I can’t wait to see more personal stuff from you 🙂 xo
Thx Emma! I can’t wait to share more of my personal life!!!
I can’t wait for e-book #2! I’m so grateful I found you. xx
I’m so glad you found me too! xo