How To Make a Media Kit that Rocks + Fave Templates

How To Make a Media Kit That Rocks - main

As a blogger, that wants to work with brands, you should definitely have a media kit ready to send. Not only does a media kit make you look professional, but it also shows a potential advertiser WHY they should work with you!

Today I’m going to share with you how to make a media kit that rocks – one you can do on your own, without hiring a designer!

What is a media kit?

A media kit is a document that outlines the key facts and statistics about your blog. Your media kit should contain a short bio about you, topics you write about, how many followers you have and contact information.

Typically, a media kit is provided to advertisers and/or brands that you want to collaborate with.

When you’re just starting out, a one or two page media kit works great. As you grow in followers, have a few collaborations under your belt, and some specific collaboration service offers (and rates), you might want to have a media kit with more pages.

Note: It’s important to have your media kit represent you and your brand… from the colors, to the fonts and photos. At the end of the day, you want the brand to read and look at your media kit and think, “hey, this blog would be a great fit for us!”

Today, I’ve pulled together a few of my favorite media kit templates and the type of editing software needed to make changes.

What is a media kit template?

A media kit template is a media kit that is already designed for you, but allows you to change fonts, colors, elements and photos to match your brand.

Media kit templates can save you time and money since you won’t have to hire or wait for a designer.

Let’s get started…

*This post contains affiliate links.

The Blog Media/Press Kit Template by The French Resume is a professional, clean, two-page design that can be edited in Microsoft Word.

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The Blogger Media Kit by Drace Design Co is a beautiful, minimalist, two-page design that can be edited in Adobe Photoshop.

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The Media Kit Template by Stephanie Design is a creative, modern, two-page design that can be edited in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Indesign.

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The Media Kit Template 4 Page by Stephanie Design is another creative, modern design, but has 4 pages! The template can be edited in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Indesign.

How To Make a Media Kit That Rocks - media kit template 4

The Media Kit Template Canva by Productive and Free comes with a set of 5 pages that can easily be edited in Canva — a FREE online design tool that’s easy to learn and use.

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The Influencer & Blogger Media Kit by Ashanti has 8 pages that can be edited easily by ‘drag and drop’ in Powerpoint or Keynote.

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If you want to know more about how to get in touch with brands to collaborate with, you might want to read this post HERE.

I hope today’s post on how to make a media kit that rocks + sharing a few favorite templates, helps you start reaching out to brands!

…And now you know how to do it on your own, inexpensively!!! The media kit templates shared above cost between $10-$18.



    1. That’s awesome! #4 is a great one – clean, simple, informative and easy to read. Kudos girlfriend. xoxo

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