How To Do an Instagram Loop Giveaway

How to do an Instagram Loop GiveawayLast month, I shared my 90-day Instagram challenge and results. The only strategy that I didn’t share at the time, was a one-time Loop Giveaway that I had participated in.

So– Now I’m going to share + walk you through a quick, inexpensive way to grow your Instagram (IG) following number fast!

How To Do an Instagram Loop Giveaway

Step 1: A coordinator. Someone needs to be the ring leader/coordinator and in my case this was Jenn of A Style Portrayed.

Step 2: Ask people to participate. Jenn sent the following email:

Email 1_ask for participants

Step 3: Final list of participants and specifics to buy in. Jenn sent the following email:

Email 2_the specifics
Step 4: Give EVERYTHING to the participants. This is where the nuts and bolts are explained and given: date, time, the image and copy that ALL will use, the list of participants and whom each are to tag, etc. Jenn sent the following image and email on 2/27 the morning of the Loop Giveaway launch:

Sephora Instagram Loop Giveaway
Email 3_the Loop
Step 5: Post the Loop Giveaway. This is when each of the participants post the image + copy to their IG accounts AND tag the business/person below them on the image within the 5 minute timeframe. (In my case, I tagged @clothesandquotesblog on my ‘Sephora’ image)

Step 6: Wrap up. Shortly after the giveaway time has been completed and a winner is selected, you’re going to announce the winner and ‘untag’ the business from your image. Why? Otherwise, you could quickly lose a bunch of your new followers.

Email 4_the winner announcement

Step 7: Delete the Giveaway image. You don’t have to delete the giveaway image, but it didn’t really go with my overall brand and so I simply deleted the image once it was all said and done.

I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the loop giveaway. It cost me $15, but I gained 185 new followers in 48 hours, which is a really quick, inexpensive way to grow my IG following number – plus it was fun to watch my phone light up!

The organizer definitely has a lot more work on their end versus the participant. So I think the organizer should get to play for free, but that’s just my opinion.

NOTE: It’s normal to have some people unfollow you after the giveaway if they aren’t really interested in your feed…don’t take it personally! Have fun. And if you want to organize a loop giveaway – feel free to drop me a line (, I would be more than happy to participate in another one!


*Main Image Source


  1. Hey! Great post 🙂
    How did you collect the funds from the bloggers participating! That’s the only part I don’t understand. I want to organize a loop giveaway.

    1. Great question! Most of the time the leader sends the participants an email with their paypal email account: Here’s an example of an email in order to collect funds from the bloggers participating… “Please send $48 via Paypal FRIENDS AND FAMILY to xxxx @ (paypal) email. If you want to send your payment as GOODS AND SERVICES send $50. Please include your Instagram username, email, name, and phone number in the notes section or your money will be refunded.”

      Good Luck Bridgette! Let me know if you need anything else.

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