How To Find Your Personal Brand Style


how to find your personal brand style

Do you feel inferior to others in your niche? Does your website or blog look weak compared to theirs? Do you crave to have the attention (and traffic) that their site gets?

Well you shouldn’t! They’ve been honing their skills and their brand style a lot longer than you have. Trust me, they’ve spent the past few years making all kinds of mistakes in order to get where they are today – creating some amazing things!

We all go through the same process so…

dont compare your chapter 1 to some elses chapter 20I know this is a lot easier said than done.

Now is your time to not brainlessly follow the crowd, to hone your skills, and to find your personal brand style – that is uniquely you!

Here’s a quick, fun way on how to find your personal brand style:

1. Create a secret pin board on Pinterest and pin every image that says to you ‘I want to make something like that!’

For example, if you’re a photographer then pin work of other photographers that you love. Since I’m a graphic designer, I’d pin the work of some favorite graphic designs + designers.

Soon you’ll have a board chock full of the kind of work you want to create AND in the brand style that speaks to you!

2. Once you’ve filled the Pinterest board, grab a notebook or piece of paper. Write down the similarities between the pins. When I created my pin board, I noticed that a lot of my pins included simplicity, pops of color, feminine with a little bit of edge, and modern typography.

I knew instantly that this was my personal brand style, and that I needed to reinforce these elements in every piece that I create AND in every aspect of my marketing (Pinterest pins, Instagram, my blog posts, etc.)


In this process, always stay true to you. Staying true to you; what you like, what you’re about, what you do and really want will only:

– attract people who are similar to you (and great for networking),
-create admiration from people around you and boost your confidence, and
-make you look and feel good.

One more thing…

From now on, keep a notebook and from time to time write down keywords that describe who you are, what you like and want. Make an effort to hone your skills and fine-tune your personal brand style… you’ll be full of self-confidence and on chapter 20 before you know it!


Graphic design by Your Marketing BFF

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