Branding Your Blog – Part 3: Real Life Examples

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Branding Your Blog-Part 3-real life examplesIn Part 1 of Branding Your Blog: Why It’s So Important, I talked about how a stylish, distinctive brand identity is a powerful first impression; one that will get you noticed and attract the right sort of clients. I also talked about how branding builds trust and allows you to leave your personal, unique mark in this blogging world!

Then in Part 2: Branding Tips, I provided nine of my best branding tips to get your blog brand on the right track.

Today is the final installment of my 3-part series, Branding Your Blog – Part 3: Real Life Examples.

I think it’s important to take what you’ve learned and see how it applies to real life successful brands. Here are 3 blog brands I love and why…


Monkia Hibbs BrandI Love. This. Brand. Monika Hibbs has a distinct style, clean aesthetic, with plenty of character.  And her bright, light and airy photos convey the story of her brand over and over and over again.

Monika recently rebranded herself as MH by MONIKA HIBBS, but continues to create a lifestyle brand inspired by fashion, beauty, home design, family and all things beautiful.

I love how you are immediately pulled into her white, airy world with a real perspective on life.

Here’s the key…

Whether it’s your first time visiting her website or the 100th, you can be rest assured her website, the content and ‘brand image’ is present and oh-so-distinctly-Monika!

Memorable. Consistent. Clean. Always on track.


Magnolia Market BrandI’m talking about Chip and Joanna Gaines and their wonderful brand Magnolia Market!

Joanna’s soulful, vintage-loving style is balanced by her admiration for airy color palettes and clean lines, proving that modern farmhouse style can appeal to a wider audience.

And the Magnolia Market brand is a sensory reminder of the good ol’ days. Where homes were functional and practical. People worked hard on the land and their home was a place of rest. An old fashioned way of living.

The brand has an unmistakable aesthetic that combines shiplap walls, vintage signs, metal, branches just as beautiful as flowers, and finding a new use for any old thing!

Whether it’s their HGTV show “Fixer Upper”, the blog, or market located in Texas, I can always tell it’s Magnolia Market. Every platform establishes and reinforces their brand.


Studio DIY BrandKelly Mindell is the DIYer, life of the party, colorful personality and creator of the Studio DIY brand.  Can I just say, Kelly loves color! Color, balloons, donuts, and photo wackiness are the strongest elements of this brand.

Kelly is consistent with her photo imagery, happy + vibrant color palette, fashion choices, doodling fonts and interesting twists on diy’s.  I mean heck, anyone can do a Kentucky derby hat, but Studio DIY gives you a donut, pancake, or fried egg Kentucky derby hat. Want to do something creative with your nails? Forget different colors, why not do a ransom note manicure.  These types of creative DIY’s are just the tip of the iceberg!

Another way Studio DIY has branded itself is through a regular posting of series like Sugar Fix, Happy Weekend, and DIY Costumes (for Halloween).

The Studio DIY brand is all about ‘making life a party’ and if you can’t tell by looking at the blog, her Instagram, Pinterest, etc. It’s clearly written in her header as the site’s tagline!

In a sea of blogs, and new ones popping up every day, you might think it’s pretty much impossible to stand out, but it’s not! Creating a brand that is aesthetically beautiful and pleasing, uniquely you, and memorable will have your readers coming back for more, again and again.

I hope today’s examples have inspired you and will help you create your own beautifully branded blog!

If you missed any of my Branding Your Blog 3-part series, you can find each one here:

Part 1 – Branding Your Blog: Why It’s So Important

Part 2 – Branding Your Blog: Branding Tips

Part 3 – Branding Your Blog: Real Life Examples

If you need help branding your blog, simply send me an email and we can schedule a time to chat!


Main Image: Photo by Emmy Lowe. Cover Design by Your Marketing BFF


  1. Tana, I just want to say this whole series was fantastic – I truly appreciate your insight and all of your hard work shows in your own brand! Thank you for being such a fantastic resource! I’m working hard on my brand and it’s so nice to be able to follow along with you, although I do need to check in more often! A big thank you, my friend! Tam xo

    1. Awww, thx Tam. This makes my day! You’ve created an incredible brand and I love watching your journey… many amazing things ahead for you lovely lady! xo

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