5 Ways to Authentically Connect With Your Customers


5 ways to authentically connect with your customersI love marketing because it’s an authentic form of CONNECTION. Marketing is a lot like ‘flirting’… you’re showing off your talents, skills, products/services and asking the customer, “Is this for you?”

Which is why I‘m going to explain how to ‘flirt’ authentically so you can genuinely connect with your customers…

5 ways to authentically connect with your customers.

1. Make it Personal. There is only one you, so be true to yourself on your website, blog, Instagram, at an event, etc. By being who you are and sharing your personal stories and snippets of life you will attract and connect with others like you.

Are you feminine + edgy? Do you love classic movies, cinnamon bears, and/or modern design with fresh, simple styling? Then we’ll probably do more than flirt because you’re a perfect match for me. And guess what… I just told you a few personal things about me!

With blogs and social media platforms (like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), talking about your business while adding some personal snippets is easy (and appreciated)!

2. Make it an Experience. Focus on the entire experience; from your business card, to your website, to your social media platforms, to someone receiving your package – what’s the first thing they see? What does the experience of seeing your Instagram (Website, Snapchat or whatever) look like? Mine is bright, straight-to-the-point, clean/modern with simple styling (see my instagram image below). The goal is to make every point of contact fully represent your brand.

Your Marketing BFF InstagramNot sure what experience others are having with your business? Ask someone or better yet do our 10 minute 3 Word Branding Test.

3. Listen, truly Listen. I know this is hard to do, especially because you’re so passionate about your business, but take the time to ask LOTS of questions AND listen to their answers. When they’re telling you that they like something and it aligns with your brand, take note! Odds are, if someone connects with your brand, they probably connect with you and you probably connect with them. SCORE!!!

I know I’ve said this before, but it deserves repeating: Don’t be afraid to be curious and ask a lot of questions…I’ve ran across very few people who don’t like to talk about themselves and/or their business!

4. Connect. Find things that create an authentic connection, an emotional attachment and your customers will keep coming back. (Read #3 above, again).

I like the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.” What this means is that similar types of people tend to be friends and like the same types of things and run in the same circles – they enjoy and hang out together…and in business, they tend to follow and buy from you.

Blogs and social media platforms make it easier to share and authentically connect on an on-going basis.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I LOVE simple, clean styling + photography. You know that I have a thing for breakfast foods (and can eat them morning, noon and night). You know I am obsessed with white (kitchens, backdrops, donuts, flowers). And you probably love some of these same things! Am I right, or am I right?!

5. Blog. Blogging provides the opportunity to continually share and refine your message. Every week I ask myself, “What do I want to say to my ideal customer?” And every week, I share my message, my thoughts, my teachings, my true self…an honest conversation between me and you.

A blog is an excellent source to drive traffic (from search engines, referrals, social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram) and boost the connection with your customers.

Remember what I said at the beginning… marketing is a lot like flirting. So if you start implementing these 5 ways to authentically connect with your customers, you’ll form genuine connections that match you and are way more meaningful (personally + professionally)!


How To Identify Your Ideal Target Customer_e course

*Main Image via Business Insider.

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