2014 Reader Favorites
We did a review and pulled out the top 20 posts of 2014. This was fun to see which were the most popular posts (based on pageviews from our Google Analytics) and the clear favorites (topics, ideas, strategies, etc.) to keep doing! Are you ready to see the results?
20. Our interview with Pinterest Influencer Alex Evjen of A.V.E. Styles was amazing!
12. Our behind the making of a brand Pinup Girl Pastries & Coffee Co client was very insightful.
3. You sure do love interviews from other successful entrepreneurs and this one with Sarah Macklem of The Yellow Cape Cod is the most read interview to date!
2. These free modern chic printable gift tag designs for Christmas were our runner up post for the year. Yeah – we love them too!
1. The top post of the year was our 12+ logo design trends of 2014-2015. Interesting fact: We have a lot of fellow graphic designers following us too!
It’s important to your business to know what is working and what is not. And what is working, do more of it! This is strategic marketing!!!
Take a look at your 2014 – then expand on your successes and abandon anything that wasn’t or isn’t working.
Thank you SO much for all of your support, readership and love in 2014. Cheers to 2015! Love you guys a ton!!! Tana – Your Marketing BFF