{Advice} Will Your First Quarter Sales Stink?


I loooooove the start of a New Year.

It’s a wonderful time to reflect on the past year, evaluate business so far, and focus on marketing and sales for the Spring!

Here’s some SMART BIZ advice:

Evaluation should NOT just happen once the year is over.  Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is my marketing working? How am I tracking it?
  2. What goals are being achieved? Which one’s aren’t happening?
  3. What new goals do I need to set for the next 3-6 months?
  4. How am I going to attract new customers and increase my sales in April and May?

Marketing 3 months ahead – it works.

I sell my services a minimum of 3 months in advance – so when January rolls around and everyone is in FULL SCALE PANIC MODE and feeling like they’re already behind – I’m selling for April!

Soooo— I have a CRITICAL QUESTION for you.

Will Your First Quarter Sales STINK? 

Out of a room of 200 small business owners – I MAYBE have 5 people throw their hands in the air and say…


The rest of the group will suddenly be busy looking at their notepads, anxiously checking SOMETHING, ANYTHING or their eye’s are looking at the floor.

Not a good sign.

As Your Marketing BFF I have to say, “You’ve got to get your act together!”

Before you know it second quarter will be here!

So you need to:

–       Plan your marketing and sales 90-days ahead.

–       Get your ideal client STAGE set and PULL marketing materials ready to rock.

–       Figure out HOW you’ll attract TONS of clients in April (and the rest of your career).

–       Strategize the Strategic Alliances you want for this entire 2012 year.

–       And a million other ideas I have but you’ll have to wait for them!

And if you don’t?

I can pretty much guarantee your sales will STINK!

So there you have it.


Need help planning your marketing for 2012?  Drop me a line tana@yourmarketingbff.com.

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